
How to use /ad in FiveM

New to the server and not sure how to use /ad? Do these commands in the chat! – /Classified (Blaine County Classified Ads)– /ad taxi (Taxi)– /ad tow (Blaine County Towing)– /ad uber (Uber)– /ad hospital (Hospital)– /ad tattoo (Tattoo Parlor)– /ad 247 (24/7)– /ad barber (Barbers)– /ad LTD (LTD)– /ad ammunation (Ammu-Nation)– /ad gruppe6 (Gruppe Sechs Security)– /ad WP (Los Santos Water & Power)– /ad LLS (Lock & Load Security)– /ad burgershot (BurgerShot | Postal 3021)– /ad BCSB (Blaine County Savings Bank | Postal 1055)– /ad ONeils (O’Neils Ranch | Postal 2027)– /ad UNA (Up-n-Atom Burger | Postal 2017)– /ad cnb (Cluckin’ Bell | Postal 4020– /ad Willies (Willies Supermarket | Postal 1053)-/ad larrysrv (Larry’s RV Sales | Postal 4026)– /ad ace (Ace Liquor | Postal 6185– /ad Tequila (Tequi La-La | Postal 6185)– /ad BMC (Bean Machine Coffee)– /ad hmrepair (Harmony Repairs | Postal 4025)– /ad THD (The Hunters Den Bar | Postal 2019)– /ad yellowjack (Yellow Jack Inn | 3045)– /ad LTDiner (Last Train Diner | 6181)– /ad smotel (Sandy Shores Motel | Postal 3036)– /ad WZN (Weazel News)