

How to find your FiveM in-game phone number? (NPWD)

Have you been asked to find your in-game phone number and your not sure how to find your in-game phone number? Watch this video and follow these easy steps! Step 1: Join the Blaine Roleplay Server on FiveM.Step 2: Once you have loaded in do /phone or hit your O key on your keyboard. This will open your phone.Step 3: Select the Setting application on your in-game phone by left clicking it.Step 4: Your in-game phone number will appear on your screen. Step 5: Share you in-game phone number out to your friends for better communication!


Commands and Keybinds in BlaineRP

New to the server and not sure what command or keybind to use? Here is a list of them! Commands:– /ooc (Message) -> Out of character message.– /loc (Message) -> Local out of character message.– /me (Message) -> In-Character message.– /gme (Message) -> In-Character global message.– /911 (Call Description) -> Making a 911 call / Calling LSPD / SAFR.– /311 (Call Description) -> Making a 311 call / Calling for a Tow and Roadside Assistance.– /report (ID) (Reason) -> Make a report on a player to staff member.– /dv – Deletes Vehicle.– /cycleproximity -> Change Voice Range (Whisper, Normal or Shouting)– /hudoptions – Allows you to edit our HUD to fit your preferrences.– /emotemenu -> Opens the emote menu.– /binoculars -> Opens the binoculars.– /wm -> Addon Weapon Menu.– /postal (####) -> Places GPS waypoint to specific postal. – /phone -> Opens the phone. – /crutch -> Pulls out a walking crutch.– /huk -> Places hands on head and gets on knees.– /e (Emote) -> Plays Emote. – /e c -> Cancels Emote. – /pointing -> Points Finger emote.– /handsup -> Handsup emote.– /crouch -> Crouch.– /crawl -> Prone / Crawl.– /th -> Takes nearest player hostage. – /carry -> Carrys nearest player. – /radio -> Brings up the in-game radio. – /vol (0-100) -> Increases or Decreases volume on radio.– /shuff -> Shuffles Seat in which the player is sitting in when in a vehicle. – /seat <1,2,3,4 etc> -> Shuffles Seat when sitting in a vehicle– /hood -> Opens vehicles hood.– /trunk -> Opens vehciles trunk.– /engine -> Turns vehicle engine on or off.– /fldoors -> Opens vehicles front left doors.– /frdoors -> Opens vehicles front right doors.– /rldoors -> Opens vehicles rear left doors.– /rrdoors -> Opens vehicles rear right doors.– /flwindow -> Opens vehicles front left window.– /frwindow -> Opens vehicles front right window.– /rlwindow -> Opens vehicles rear left window.– /rrwindow -> Opens vehicles rear right window.– /idlecamon -> Enables Idle Camera. – /idlecamoff -> Disables Idle Camera.– /anchor -> Retracts and Attracts Anchor when in a boat.– /id -> Enables / Disables player ID’s.– /money -> Opens money menu.– /paycash -> Gives someone cash.– /paybank -> Gives some money through debit / credit card.– /makeitrain -> Gives someone cash with a cool animation.– /paymecash -> Request cash payment from a player.– /paymecard -> Requests devit / credit payment from a player.– /breakcuffs -> (When holding pliers) Breaks a player cuffs.– /ad -> Check out this tutorial for more information! ( How to use /ad in FiveM – )– /attach -> Check out this tutorial for more information! ( How to tow in FiveM using /attach – )– /detach -> Check out this tutorial for more information! ( How to tow in FiveM using /attach – ) Keybinds:– L -> Ragdoll.– O -> Phone.– X -> Handsup.– B -> Points Finger.– Z -> Shows Money HUD.– Y -> Opens personal medical menu.– H -> (When next to another player) Opens other player medical menu.– F9 -> (Whilst in a vehicle) Opens Car Radio.– K -> Change Weapon Firing Mode. (Full-Auto, Semi-Auto, Burst or Safety)– K (When in a vehicle) -> Puts seatbelt on.– Right Ctrl -> Prone / Crawl.– Left Ctrl -> Crouch.– U -> Player Clothing Menu. – NUMPAD 6 -> Addon Weapon Menu.– M (Whilst in a vehicle) -> Opens Vehicle Menu. – PgUp -> Addon Vehicle Spawn Menu.– F1 -> vMenu.– G or F11 -> Change Voice Range. (Whisper, Normal or Shouting)– Shift + F2 -> Brings up the in-game radio. – T -> Opens chat. – LShift + A -> (Whilst in a vehicle) Resets Airbags. – CAPS -> (Whilst in a vehicle) Enables and Disables Cruise Control.


How to use /ad in FiveM

New to the server and not sure how to use /ad? Do these commands in the chat! – /Classified (Blaine County Classified Ads)– /ad taxi (Taxi)– /ad tow (Blaine County Towing)– /ad uber (Uber)– /ad hospital (Hospital)– /ad tattoo (Tattoo Parlor)– /ad 247 (24/7)– /ad barber (Barbers)– /ad LTD (LTD)– /ad ammunation (Ammu-Nation)– /ad gruppe6 (Gruppe Sechs Security)– /ad WP (Los Santos Water & Power)– /ad LLS (Lock & Load Security)– /ad burgershot (BurgerShot | Postal 3021)– /ad BCSB (Blaine County Savings Bank | Postal 1055)– /ad ONeils (O’Neils Ranch | Postal 2027)– /ad UNA (Up-n-Atom Burger | Postal 2017)– /ad cnb (Cluckin’ Bell | Postal 4020– /ad Willies (Willies Supermarket | Postal 1053)-/ad larrysrv (Larry’s RV Sales | Postal 4026)– /ad ace (Ace Liquor | Postal 6185– /ad Tequila (Tequi La-La | Postal 6185)– /ad BMC (Bean Machine Coffee)– /ad hmrepair (Harmony Repairs | Postal 4025)– /ad THD (The Hunters Den Bar | Postal 2019)– /ad yellowjack (Yellow Jack Inn | 3045)– /ad LTDiner (Last Train Diner | 6181)– /ad smotel (Sandy Shores Motel | Postal 3036)– /ad WZN (Weazel News)


Fix FiveM Textures or Textures loss

Not seeing buildings or cars loading in or invisible ground? Here’s the fix! Textures loss is an easy fix, due to servers like ours streaming data you will take sometime loading, if you’re not seeing your clothes or others, building and cars then you will have to Extended Texture Budget

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