Commands and Keybinds in BlaineRP
New to the server and not sure what command or keybind to use? Here is a list of them! Commands:– /ooc (Message) -> Out of character message.– /loc (Message) -> Local out of character message.– /me (Message) -> In-Character message.– /gme (Message) -> In-Character global message.– /911 (Call Description) -> Making a 911 call / Calling LSPD / SAFR.– /311 (Call Description) -> Making a 311 call / Calling for a Tow and Roadside Assistance.– /report (ID) (Reason) -> Make a report on a player to staff member.– /dv – Deletes Vehicle.– /cycleproximity -> Change Voice Range (Whisper, Normal or Shouting)– /hudoptions – Allows you to edit our HUD to fit your preferrences.– /emotemenu -> Opens the emote menu.– /binoculars -> Opens the binoculars.– /wm -> Addon Weapon Menu.– /postal (####) -> Places GPS waypoint to specific postal. – /phone -> Opens the phone. – /crutch -> Pulls out a walking crutch.– /huk -> Places hands on head and gets on knees.– /e (Emote) -> Plays Emote. – /e c -> Cancels Emote. – /pointing -> Points Finger emote.– /handsup -> Handsup emote.– /crouch -> Crouch.– /crawl -> Prone / Crawl.– /th -> Takes nearest player hostage. – /carry -> Carrys nearest player. – /radio -> Brings up the in-game radio. – /vol (0-100) -> Increases or Decreases volume on radio.– /shuff -> Shuffles Seat in which the player is sitting in when in a vehicle. – /seat <1,2,3,4 etc> -> Shuffles Seat when sitting in a vehicle– /hood -> Opens vehicles hood.– /trunk -> Opens vehciles trunk.– /engine -> Turns vehicle engine on or off.– /fldoors -> Opens vehicles front left doors.– /frdoors -> Opens vehicles front right doors.– /rldoors -> Opens vehicles rear left doors.– /rrdoors -> Opens vehicles rear right doors.– /flwindow -> Opens vehicles front left window.– /frwindow -> Opens vehicles front right window.– /rlwindow -> Opens vehicles rear left window.– /rrwindow -> Opens vehicles rear right window.– /idlecamon -> Enables Idle Camera. – /idlecamoff -> Disables Idle Camera.– /anchor -> Retracts and Attracts Anchor when in a boat.– /id -> Enables / Disables player ID’s.– /money -> Opens money menu.– /paycash -> Gives someone cash.– /paybank -> Gives some money through debit / credit card.– /makeitrain -> Gives someone cash with a cool animation.– /paymecash -> Request cash payment from a player.– /paymecard -> Requests devit / credit payment from a player.– /breakcuffs -> (When holding pliers) Breaks a player cuffs.– /ad -> Check out this tutorial for more information! ( How to use /ad in FiveM – )– /attach -> Check out this tutorial for more information! ( How to tow in FiveM using /attach – )– /detach -> Check out this tutorial for more information! ( How to tow in FiveM using /attach – ) Keybinds:– L -> Ragdoll.– O -> Phone.– X -> Handsup.– B -> Points Finger.– Z -> Shows Money HUD.– Y -> Opens personal medical menu.– H -> (When next to another player) Opens other player medical menu.– F9 -> (Whilst in a vehicle) Opens Car Radio.– K -> Change Weapon Firing Mode. (Full-Auto, Semi-Auto, Burst or Safety)– K (When in a vehicle) -> Puts seatbelt on.– Right Ctrl -> Prone / Crawl.– Left Ctrl -> Crouch.– U -> Player Clothing Menu. – NUMPAD 6 -> Addon Weapon Menu.– M (Whilst in a vehicle) -> Opens Vehicle Menu. – PgUp -> Addon Vehicle Spawn Menu.– F1 -> vMenu.– G or F11 -> Change Voice Range. (Whisper, Normal or Shouting)– Shift + F2 -> Brings up the in-game radio. – T -> Opens chat. – LShift + A -> (Whilst in a vehicle) Resets Airbags. – CAPS -> (Whilst in a vehicle) Enables and Disables Cruise Control.