Are you wondering how to use Blaine Roleplays new death system? Well here is a quick tutorial on everything you need to know!
What is it?
ARE is a diagnostic medical script which completely transforms the way injuries, death, healing, and medical treatment work in the server. The ARE script works by automatically detecting injuries registered by the game’s mechanics. In other words, if you shoot someone, the injury will be detected by the script. Through the ARE interactive treatment menu, an overview of the player’s health status is listed in the form of a live anatomical diagram which changes visually as injuries appear, heal, or worsen.
How does it work?
To open the ARE menu, press H on your keyboard. If you are treating yourself, press Y.
When a player is injured, part of the live anatomical diagram will be highlighted in red or pink, indicating that an injury is present. By selecting the injury, and applying treatment in the form of bandages, drugs, infusions, and so forth, the player’s injuries will either heal, or worsen.
If injuries become too severe, death is possible. Standard lifesaving measures, such as CPR and defibrillation, are available in the treatment menu.
What functions am I allowed to use?
Only use treatment methods in which you would realistically have access, and are trained to use. All law enforcement officers in the server are trained to provide CPR and basic first aid. This includes initiating CPR, using bandages to stop bleeding, and administering intranasal naloxone (Narcan®) in cases of suspected opioid overdose. Do not use medications or treatment techniques that you are not authorized to use. We will periodically audit script records to ensure you are following standard operating procedures.
Bottom line? If you don’t know what it does, and you don’t know how to use it, don’t use it, since you might kill them unintentionally.
Death and Respawning:
Once a player goes unconscious, they have the option to dial 911, or respawn after a set amount of time. If a person is RDM’d, VDM’d, or if the death occurred under circumstances unrelated to RP purposes, you can use the RDM/VDM revive kit in the treatment menu. Intentional misuse of this function will result in punishments leading up to and including a ban from the server.
We hope this this provides an adequate summary of what the ARE script does, and the basics of how it works. We encourage you to play around with the script to familiarize yourself with the menu. For a more detailed look at specific functionality and medical treatment techniques, watch the following training video. This video provides basic info on how to use the script. It is designed for SAFR Emergency Medical Technicians, but everyone can still learn from its content. If you have any questions, just speak to a member of SAFR.