Our Community-Driven Server

🎁 Donation Options:
Donate to support the server’s upkeep and enjoy exclusive perks!

– PayPal: Donate Now via Paypal!

– CashApp: Donate Now via Cashapp!

– Donate others ways via our website:

Add your Discord username in the notes and DM me for a special role and exclusive perks!

💎 Donator Perks:
As a supporter, enjoy exclusive Discord perks:
– Access to V.I.P Zone
– Priority requests
– V.I.P Zone permissions: Move, Disconnect, Mute/Deafen (within V.I.P Zone)
– Priority Queue
– Progress tracking

💰 For Donations Over $50:
Get a unique and customized Discord role with your chosen color and role emoji! Rules apply for role names (no staff-related names).

🙏 A Note from Us:
Thank you for your support! We prioritize community over pay-to-win. When I created this community, I meant it. We don’t want you to feel obligated to pay for certain things. Donate if you enjoy our community!

🚫 Donation Policy:
– Donations, including those for maps and scripts, are non-refundable.
– Donators must adhere to server rules and regulations.