
Blaine Roleplay | Rules Handbook

Administration discretion is allowed in extenuating circumstances outside the rules listed below!

General Rules:

Age Requirement:

All players must be 13+ and RP characters must be 18+. We are a mature server, there are adult themes and adult language being used. GTA is also an 18+ game.

Punishment: Permanent Ban

Toxicity and Bullying:

Toxicity is defined as bringing unwanted attitudes into the community. There is a difference between having an opinion/voicing this opinion, and forcing your opinion on other people. Do not direct your anger/frustration/aggression towards another player. Use the appropriate /report or open a ticket via discord.

Potential Punishment: Warning / Kick / Temporary Ban / Permanent Ban

Derogatory Remarks: 

Negative/Derogatory remarks about; race, religion, gender, sexual preference, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc. is strictly prohibited. This includes in and out of RP.

Potential Punishment: Temporary Ban / Permanent Ban

Contacting Staff:

Before attempting to Direct message staff ingame or out of game, you must create a ticket in discord to have your issue resolved.

Only Direct Message staff with permission if absolutely necessary. This also is necessary when in-game when you would like to report something or need an admin, use /report first

Potential Punishment: Warning / Kick / Temporary Ban / Permanent Ban


You must be in the Discord and in our CAD ( to play on the server. This is a requirement.


Speaking publicly in a way that carelessly or intentionally creates or fuels negativity OOC towards other members of the BlaineRP Community will not be tolerated. These issues are expected to be handled privately, either directly with the involved party, or through admin/moderator mediation.

Disciplinary action will be determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the severity of the offense, and can range from a simple conversation with an admin for lesser offenses, all the way up to immediate and permanent removal from the community for the most malicious offenses.

Real Life Money:

There will be no acceptance of real life money for in game advantages or actions. 


Exploitation of a bug or glitch is strictly prohibited. Purposely exploiting a bug, glitch, or anything else for personal gain will result in heavy consequences.

Potential Punishment: Temporary Ban

Stream Sniping:

While you are in the server, you are strictly prohibited from being in the stream of anyone else currently playing on the server and streaming on any service. This is a no questions asked rule – if you’re in their viewer list, and you’re in the server you will be subject to this rule break. Should you be caught stream sniping more than once you will be permanently removed from the community.

Potential Punishment: Kick / Temp-Ban / Perm-Ban

Meta Gaming: 

The use of information that your character has not learned through RP is not allowed. Meta-Gaming is hard to define in a single sentence; 

Refer to this definition to better understand the meaning of Meta-Gaming:

“Metagaming is a term used in role-playing games, which describes a player’s use of real-life knowledge concerning the state of the game to determine their character’s actions, when said character has no relevant knowledge or awareness under the circumstances.”

Information that you hear through walls is not allowed to be used in roleplay.

Potential Punishment: Kick / Temporary Ban / Permanent Ban

Fear Roleplay and Power Gaming:

In FiveM roleplay, Fear Roleplay (Fear RP) and Power Gaming are key concepts that govern player behavior to ensure a realistic and immersive experience.

  • Fear Roleplay requires players to realistically portray fear for their character’s life in dangerous situations. This means complying with reasonable demands when threatened or when their character’s life is at risk, such as during a robbery or when held at gunpoint. The goal is to emulate how a person would naturally react in life-threatening scenarios, prioritizing survival over heroism or reckless actions.

  • Power Gaming, on the other hand, refers to any actions that are unrealistic or unfairly force outcomes in roleplay, often by exploiting game mechanics or forcing actions on others without giving them a chance to respond. Power Gaming undermines the collaborative and immersive nature of roleplay by making situations feel unbalanced or contrived.

The key distinction is that Fear RP does not justify Power Gaming. When responding to a situation under Fear RP, players must still allow for realistic roleplay interactions. For instance, while a player should fear for their life when threatened, they cannot use Fear RP as an excuse to force outcomes that would be considered Power Gaming, such as automatically assuming others’ actions or outcomes without roleplay or exploiting game mechanics to escape a scenario unrealistically.

By adhering to both principles, players can maintain a fair, realistic, and engaging roleplay environment where everyone has the opportunity to contribute meaningfully to the story.

Potential Punishment: Kick / Temporary Ban / Permanent Ban

Quality of RP:

Quality of RP is defined as failure to uphold the standards of role-play expected by the BRP Players and Staff. Poor quality of RP will be looked at negatively and you may face punishment for the same. This includes having No Value of Life, Unrealistic Driving, Interrupting an active scene, cop baiting and not following Priority Status.

Potential Punishment: Kick / Temporary Ban / Permanent Ban

Considerate Roleplay:

Be considerate of others’ roleplay! You should strive to make the best possible scenario for your fellow players. Interactions with all other players should be played to the benefit of ALL players roleplay experience. Win or lose, this is something we do for fun, when everyone is having fun we all win.

Potential Punishment: Kick / Temporary Ban / Permanent Ban

In Game Rules:

Police Priority Status:

Available – Criminal activity can occur.

Cooldown, Active and Hold – No major criminal activity can occur this includes but is not limited to Evading Police, Theft / Robbery and Shooting can not occur.

To be more specific, Misdemeanor and Felony crimes cannot occur, however Infractions can still be performed this includes but is not limited to Running a stop sign, Careless Driving, etc

If you are unsure if your allowed to commit a specific crime during Cooldown, Active and Hold, please open a #new-ticket in the discord and ask a staff member and we will let you know if it’s acceptable or not.

Potential Punishment: Warning / Kick / Temporary Ban / Permanent Ban


– Chat Spam
– /report Spam
– Microphone Spam

All of these are strictly prohibed.

Potential Punishment: Kick / Temporary Ban / Permanent Ban

Sexual Assault RP: 

Sexual Assault RP – including, but not limited to; non-consensual touching, rape, etc. is not allowed. 

Potential Punishment: Permanent Ban


Erotic Role-Playing (ERP) is generally prohibited on this server. This includes, but is not limited to, actions in text (e.g., /me commands) and voice communication (VOIP). However, limited forms of ERP, such as stripper roleplay, are permitted as long as they remain tasteful and do not go too far.

If your roleplay crosses the line into explicit or overly sexual content, please take it privately to direct messages (DMs) outside of the server.

Potential Punishment: Permanent Ban

Deathmatching (RDM/VDM): 

Randomly killing or harming another player without good roleplay reason is not allowed. This includes being in a vehicle or otherwise.

Potential Punishment: Permanent Ban

Combat Logging:

Combat Logging is defined as disconnecting from the server, with the intention of avoiding any form of RP and is strictly prohibited. This includes disconnecting to avoid death, combat, arrest, medical attention, or any other form of RP.

Potential Punishment: Permanent Ban

Animal PEDs: (Trusted Civilians)
The use of animal PEDs is often subject to specific rules to maintain fairness and roleplay integrity. Players using animal PEDs should avoid griefing, trolling, or harassing others and are expected to stay in-character, behaving as the animal they portray. Unrealistic actions, such as animals driving vehicles or using weapons, are typically prohibited.

Also we discourage random, aggressive behavior, like attacking players without proper RP context or consent.

Potential Punishment: Warning / Kick / Temporary Ban

FAA / Aircraft RP: (FAA Certified)

In Blaine Roleplay, aircraft roleplay adheres to a strict set of guidelines modeled after FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) regulations to ensure a realistic and immersive experience. As pilots, you are expected to follow standard aviation procedures, including filing flight plans via /me, coordinating with air traffic control (ATC), and adhering to established airspace regulations. Takeoffs and landings must occur at designated airports, and you are required to respect no-fly zones and prohibited areas.

When engaging in aviation RP, clear communication with ATC is essential. Reckless flying, unauthorized landings, or failure to comply with ATC instructions can result in penalties, such as temporary bans, or suspension from aircraft RP. In Blaine Roleplay, the goal is to create an authentic aviation experience that enhances the overall roleplay environment while maintaining the safety and enjoyment of all participants.

NLR: (New Life Roleplay)

Upon death during an active RP, your character does not actually die, but you are not allowed to return to the scene of your death, your character forgets all events leading up to the death. Details about how, where, and who killed you may not be released or Rped out.

Potential Punishment: Warning / Kick / Temporary Ban

Gang/Mob RP:

Gang or Mob Role-Playing (RP) is allowed on this server only if you are part of one of the BRP Official Gangs. Participating in gang activities as a member of an unapproved or unofficial gang is prohibited and will result in disciplinary action.

Potential Punishment: Warning / Kick / Temporary Ban

Hitman/Assassination RP: 

Random Hitman/Assasination RP is not allowed or condoned whatsoever. Individuals are only allowed to do Hitman/Assasination RP only when it is agreed upon beforehand by all parties (this means the person who has a hit on them or who is being assassinated must know of and agree to the RP). Doing things such as sniping people from far away and other conduct that may be deemed to be of an Assassin’s or Hitman’s nature will be stopped and dealt with immediately if not done properly with adequate permission from all parties involved. 

Potential Punishment: Warning / Kick / Temporary Ban / Permanent Ban

Kidnapping / Hostage taking:

Kidnapping or hostage-taking of anyone should not become a repetitive role-play scenario by the same individual or group. Repeatedly using this scenario can disrupt the balance and enjoyment of the server.

Additionally, when conducting a kidnapping or hostage-taking scene, you are not allowed to use the /th (Take Hostage) command and then enter a vehicle or bike to drive away. 

Staff members have the authority to cancel your scene if it is deemed repetitive, disruptive, or if these rules are violated

Potential Punishment: Temporary Ban / Permanent Ban

LEO Presence:

Always act like there is a heavy LEO presence, even if there is a lack of LEOs. However, if there is a noticeable lack of LEO presence, then try to play accordingly. Abusing a lack of LEO presence is prohibited. 

Potential Punishment: Warning / Kick / Temporary Ban

Cop Baiting:

Committing a crime with the sole intention of drawing police away from another crime is prohibited and/or to draw their attention in general.  

Example 1: Purposely robbing Flywheels if your friend is in a traffic stop to get them out of it.

                          Example 2: Speeding fast, honking horn, doing burnouts ect when police are busy in RP

Potential Punishment: Warning / Kick / Temporary Ban

Issues in game:

If any issues arise during gameplay—such as rule violations, drama, or other concerns—do not break character. Complete the current scenario first, and then promptly address the issue using the appropriate methods (e.g., /report, contacting an Admin, etc.) as soon as possible after the scenario concludes.

Whitelisted Department Clothing:

Wearing clothing from the Los Santos Police Department (LSPD) or San Andreas Fire Rescue (SAFR) is generally prohibited. This includes any related badges, logos, or icons. However, trusted civilians who have received explicit permission may wear these items under specific circumstances. 

      Hats, Helmets, Jackets, Shirts, Pants, Logos, etc.

Potential Punishment: Warning / Temporary Ban / Permanent Ban

Impersonating Whitelisted Departments:

Impersonating members of the Los Santos Police Department (LSPD) or San Andreas Fire Rescue (SAFR) is strictly prohibited and unacceptable under any circumstances on our server. These departments are not open to everyone and are whitelisted, meaning they require additional steps to join, such as submitting an application, being approved, interviewed, and trained.

However, trusted civilians who have received explicit permission may engage in certain role-play scenarios that involve LSPD or SAFR impersonation. This allowance is strictly regulated and must be conducted within the boundaries set by the server’s rules.

Potential Punishment: Warning / Temporary Ban / Permanent Ban

/OOC + /LOC:

 /OOC – Used to communicate with another party after a disconnect or when you are relaying information through chat that doesn’t pertain to RolePlay, this should be used if the player is not in your local range.

 /LOC – Used to communicate with another party after a disconnect or when you are relaying information through chat that doesn’t pertain to RolePlay, this should be used if the player is in your local range.

/ME + /GME:

 The /me and /gme commands must be used for roleplay purposes only. This command can be used to express anything that cannot otherwise be said through words;

Example: Giving evidence that is on scene that should be able to be seen, showing facial expressions, actions that don’t have an emote, etc.

On the other hand, /me is not to be used to display anything that would not be able to be physically seen;

Example: /me feels sad – This should be shown as /me looks sad.

However, /gme means Global me so this command should only be used if you need to display something to someone that isn’t in your local area.


/report should be a frequent tool used by all members of our FiveM Server, failure to adequately use /report when you witness rules being broken or need an Admin’s assistance is extremely frowned upon and may lead to further consequences. /report should always be your first course of action and you should never skip this step when you need help or are witnessing/dealing with other players who are breaking rules even if you believe /report isn’t being looked at or if you believe you are being ignored. 

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